Tagged: Top 100 Retro Games

Unranked: Phantasy Star III

Phantasy Star III Sega Genesis Sega 1991 Phantasy Star III was one of those games that took over my neighborhood at one point. The game came out earlier that year, and it seemed like...

Unranked: Metal Gear

Metal Gear Nintendo Entertainment System Konami Ultra 1988 I had no idea at the time what an influential game Metal Gear would become. It was a game that I enjoyed, but after a terrible...

Top 100 Retro Games: Dragon Quest

Dragon Quest Nintendo Entertainment System Enix/Nintendo 1989 #100 Dragon Warrior, er, Quest, is a game that has consistently frustrated me over the years. The game has never really clicked with me in the way...

Unranked: Deadly Towers

Deadly Towers Nintendo Entertainment System Broderbund 1987 I spent of a lot of time growing up trying to unravel the knotted puzzle that is Deadly Towers. Somewhere in here, there is a good game....

Unranked: Cyber Lip

Cyber Lip Neo Geo SNK 1991 I did not own a Neo Geo, nor did anyone in my neighborhood really, so I did not play games like Cyber Lip until many years later when...
