Tagged: Super Mega Baseball

Episode XXXV: Sim City 2000

Our “500 Words About” series continues with a discussion of Sim City 2000, the busy nature of modern simulation games, the tyranny of choice, and why I love Sim City on the Super Nintendo....

Top 10 Of 2017

2017 was a very strong year for video games. I had to narrow this list down from a solid original group of 20 or so to get what I have here. I present the...

Episode VIII: Baseball Stars

8-Bit NES baseball games were often very imperfect until Baseball Stars came along. Join me, won’t you, as we discuss my favorite baseball game. Games Discussed: Baseball Stars Micro League Baseball Major League Baseball...

Super Mega Baseball

Super Mega Baseball was one of the best games I played this past year. I have not really enjoyed a baseball game since MVP Baseball 2005, but Super Mega Baseball combines the deep franchise...
